La Bowla

Everything started in 2009. We returned from Vancouver really stoked after helping a bit in leeside.

Around 5 digging sessions, lots of our friends helped out.

                    Our neighbor helped us weld and our friend ranitas helped him.

Ancient rocks.

We had the shape and we poured the flatbottom.


Andrew Dobson creator of la bowla design. 15 days of sunny madness away from Scotland. Thanks for the hard work and the knowledge.

The project went on standby for almost a year. We went back to Vancouver and helped built another bit in leeside. No money no honey.

Bex used her line of credit to get shit done!!! We hired a crew to finish.

Our new canvas finished the 16th of february 2010

Avocado bowl ready to host piel concreto event produced by our good friend Juan Pablo (Nito) Escalante.

 Our frien eriKire finishing la calavera de dia de muertos nov.2011

since the avocado bowl paint we have added some trippy details thanks to Gari's vision and talent!

alex horn oj wheels


ghosts I

Ghosts II

posse...mi casa es su casa.

full moon ritual.





La banda!

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